It is important to ensure that your article is informative and unique to confirm your article marketing successfully. Once there was a tradition of using duplicate article for ranking in search engines or even using in a website among webmasters or Bloggers. However, day by day all search engines have understood about this bad practice and changed their search engine algorithm such as Google. As a result, nobody can be successful only by posting others' article in his or her web sites easily.
Article marketing is a popular method of ranking a website.
As far, I could remember about my article marketing; it was back about 6-7
years from now, when I post articles in several article directories including
EzineArticles. Then we can post an article easily, and these directories would
accept our articles rapidly to publish them. As days become harder to get rank
in search engines, all directories are updating their rules of publishing
articles. Now, they are keeping their duplicate article checker to keep the
position in search engines. So nobody can send duplicate article. As a result,
it is tough to publish articles in various article directories.
Once marketers used to tell, “article is the king” of the
website. Now, we say “quality article is
the king” of a website or Blog. You cannot publish others' articles in your
Blog. If you cannot keep the quality of the article for your websites or Blog,
you will lose your time and money. Because, your website will never get a good
position in search engines if you post duplicate contents in your blog or
As English is not a mother language of all people, it is
simple to mistake for someone. On the other hand, if an article contains enough
grammatical and punctuation mistakes, it looks odd to the readers, and the
readers consider this as an immature article. As a result, you cannot sell any
product or service through your article.
As I’m not a native speaker in English, I feel difficulty
writing a quality article for my readers. I have tried many ways to write
articles for my USA
clients, but most of the time, they rejected my articles saying poor grammar. I
disappointed and thought that I could not write quality articles for my Blog or
clients. Now I can write articles confidently, though the quality of my writing
is not enough quality for native readers. It has been possible for me as I have
tried many times to improve my writing. Besides, I use some writing tools to
check the grammar, punctuation, and plagiarism. You will not find any article
writing tools that will work 100% perfectly. However, it is true that if you
use a good article writing tool, you can easily find out your errors.
I Use Grammarly:
If you want to be a professional article writer, I will
recommend you to use an article writing software that will help you to find out
all the grammatical errors, punctuation errors, and plagiarized sentence. It is
about Grammarly. I found this software useful mainly for plagiarism checker.
Microsoft Word Document helps to find out the grammar and punctuation errors
well. I think, the Grammarly does some advanced job.
Again, it is only my opinion to use this software. In the
market, you will find more writing tools. You can choose the best tool among
them. If you do not get enough time to write your article for your Blog,
website or marketing, we are offering the great article writing service for
your with a reasonable price. Our writers are professional in article writing
job, and most of them have completed their graduation in English language.
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